When you want to make money from home you need to be working with someone who can get you great results faster. We have an entire team in China, in Australia and in the USA to help you source products, help you set your business up and sell huge numbers of your goods on Amazon.
Going from start to finish is often too much for first-time business owners.
However you can’t miss steps. If you do then you’ll leave a lot of money on the table.This is why we bring in our experts along the way. From product sourcing, writing your listings, getting your products on the front page of Amazon to compliance and business set-up – we’ve got you fully covered.We guide you through the process and make it simple. You barely need to lift a finger.
We believe everyone can and should lead an exceptional and prosperous life. If you have a genuine passion for changing your life, and you’re prepared to commit your time to changing your circumstances then we can help you.
A massive return on your investment – Working with us means making a small financial investment in your business. And we take your investment and trust seriously.
You should make at least 10 times what you invest in us at the minimum. If not we will do whatever it takes to make sure you do.
Honesty – Everything we say, every expert you hear from, every piece of advice we give you comes from a place of honesty and mutual respect. We understand that any dollar earned through dishonesty will be stolen from us in the same way.
Humility – Importing and selling on Amazon are constantly changing. Only 5 years ago everyone was selling on eBay and on their own websites.
Just like you, we’re open to new information and we’re always learning new and smarter ways to make money.
Our door is always open – When you’re a client, our door is always open to you. Whether it’s a quick question or an in depth discussion we won’t say no to you.
Trust the process – we expect you not to judge the work in the program until you’ve actually done it. Our process for starting and growing your business has been proven over and over again. For this reason you must do it and let the work prove itself.
Honesty and integrity – The same was you demand honesty and integrity from us, we expect the same in return. You’re on an exciting journey and there’s a lot or amazing experiences ahead.
We ask you to be up front and honest about your progress so we can help you hit your goals sooner.
Do the work – We only work with a limited number of people, so your place in our programs comes at the expense of someone else.
If we believe you’re not making an effort we may ask you to leave.
Of course, we understand life gets busy, so as long as you are genuine about your desire to get it done we’ll help out.