Amazon Launches "Second Chance" Portal to Encourage Gadget Recycling

How often have you thrown your gadgets away when you’re done with them?

That old phone?

Straight into the bin it goes.

That gadget that just stopped working all of a sudden?

It’s on its way to the landfill too.

We all do it. As soon as something outlives its usefulness, we’re quick to just discard it and never think of it again.

The problem is that so many of these gadgets contain recyclable materials that it’s a complete waste to throw them away.

Plus, we’re destroying the environment bit by bit whenever we do it.

Amazon has launched a new portal to solve the problem.

Named “Second Chance”, it’s got all of the information that you need to recycle any gadget that would have gone into the bin.

The portal contains a bunch of resources and a few questionnaires. You can use these to help you figure out if you can recycle the gadget and where to take it.

You might even discover that you can trade it in and earn a little money from it.

If you use Amazon’s own trade-in options, you can even get your hands on some gift cards. And if your device is completely beyond repair, Amazon will take it off your hands for free.

That’s so much better than just throwing it away.

You’re doing your bit for the environment and may even get a little compensation for your efforts.

Oh, and all of that pesky packaging that Amazon purchases come wrapped in?

The portal tells you how you can recycle those too.

It just goes to show that Amazon’s a company that has a social conscience. It knows just how much of an impact the products sold on the site can have on the environment.

Now, it’s teaching you how to lessen that impact.

We can teach you too.

But in our case, we can show you how to become a top-notch seller on Amazon. With Amazon’s help, you can escape the 9 to 5 and do your bit for the environment.

Click here to reserve your spot at one of our FREE seminars near you, we can discuss any question you might have.

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Brendan Elias

Brendan has been importing products from China since 2001. He built a 7-figure a year business by selling the imported products on eBay and Amazon working as little as 10 hours per week. For the last 10 years, he has been teaching people to run their own business from home by importing goods from China and selling them locally. In that time some students have replaced their incomes, brought new money into their households and some have even become millionaires.

  • I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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