The Special Message That Jeff Bezos Has for His Children

We all know that Jeff Bezos is an inspirational figure.

In a way, we’re all his children. At least those of us who use Amazon to generate enormous revenues are. We’re all following in the footsteps of the man who revolutionised the e-commerce space.

He set the example and every Amazon seller benefits from it.

Of course, Bezos has a family of his own as well. And as a father, he has some very important messages to share that all of his children can benefit from.

At a recent gala event for the non-profit FIRST, Bezos delivered a really important message.

He told us that he tells his children that they can appreciate the amazing gifts that they’re born with. Whether that’s good looks or a natural talent for maths, they’re all useful talents.

But that’s all they are.

Without the right choices, your talents go to waste.

Or as Bezos puts it: “Be proud of your choices, not your talents.”

You’ve probably seen that in your own life. There may be a complete burnout who you happen to know has all sorts of talents. If only they chose to apply themselves, they could be so much more.

Maybe you’re the talented person and the choices you’ve made have led you to a dead end. You’re stuck in a job you hate and you’re feeling ground down.

You’re choosing to stay in that position.

Why not choose to make a change instead?

Bezos tells his children that hard work and pursuing your passions are both choices, not talents.

Your office job isn’t your passion and you know it.

It’s just something you do to pay the bills.

Your family is your passion. Your freedom is your passion.

And I have a way for you to choose that passion and earn more money than you’ve ever had before.

The key lies in selling on Amazon. But you need the right guidance to turn your business into a success.

I can help you.

Click here to reserve your spot at one of our FREE seminars near you.

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Brendan Elias

Brendan has been importing products from China since 2001. He built a 7-figure a year business by selling the imported products on eBay and Amazon working as little as 10 hours per week. For the last 10 years, he has been teaching people to run their own business from home by importing goods from China and selling them locally. In that time some students have replaced their incomes, brought new money into their households and some have even become millionaires.

  • I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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