Mary got fired (and it was the best thing that happened to her)
Here’s a story about starting over.
Mary reinvented herself in her late forties. Although it seemed like she had hit rock bottom, Mary managed to find success by working from home.
How did it all go down?
Mary was sure that she had a steady job. For 23 years, she worked at a bank as a forms specialist. She was speedy and precise, and her superiors relied on her to do a good job.
But it turns out that the finance industry was more fickle than Mary thought.
A few weeks before Christmas in 2010, Mary was made redundant. She was completely blindsided by this and came home feeling dismayed.
She had never worked outside of the finance industry before.
Considering her age and education level, Mary’s prospects looked bleak. Form specialists aren’t widely sought-after.
It seemed that there was nothing for her to do but wait. Christmas seemed grim, and even Mary’s sons picked up on her tension.
Hey younger son, Alex, was preparing for his grammar school entry exam at the time. Mary helped him the same way she’d helped her older son years before.
Mary had developed a system for this. Instead of complicated charts, her children used flashcards with new words on them.
It suddenly occurred to Mary that flashcards might have a wider appeal. After all, children across the UK struggled with their vocabulary lessons.
So Mary created educational cards for sale online. It wasn’t difficult to find a clientele that was looking for this type of study aid.
As she had personal experience with the topic, Mary found it easy to market her product online. Her sons were happy to help her package and deliver the cards, and her husband supported the venture as well.
Mary had faith in her own success, so she took courses to learn how to manage her accounts and taxes. Her prediction was accurate. The cards took off and the business flourished.
Here’s the best part…
If Mary can do it, so can you.
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