Essential Importing Toolkit
for Beginners

Welcome to the Essential Importing Toolkit for Beginners! 
This mini-series is a quick overview of some of my best tips and insights over the past

17+ years of my importing and online selling career!

Brendan Elias

In this short video series I answer some frequently asked questions from people wanting to begin their eCommerce journey, including:

  • How do I get started?
  • Where do I find products to import?
  • How do I choose the right product?
  • How do I get a product at the best price?
  • How do I pay for the goods?
  • How do I deal with delays?
  • How do I clear my goods in customs?
  • How do I deal with cultural differences?
  • How do I manage my risk?
  • How do I scale and grow my business?

Enjoy the video series, and good luck on your importing journey!
