Be Unique: How to Use Private Labelling to Separate Your Product from the Pack

How do you stand out from the crowd?

This is a question you will run into as soon as you start selling products on Amazon.

Your success on Amazon will depend on the attention that your products draw. This means you have to be careful with your labelling.


Aim for a unique private label that will leave an impression. You want your customers to remember you. Seeing a familiar name and logo will inspire them to choose you over your competitors.

You can’t use private labelling on certain types of products, such as brand-driven gadgets. But when you find products that you can relabel, make a brand of your own. This is sure to increase your sales.

So what exactly do you need to do?

First, you’ll need a logo that represents your brand.

The good news is that you don’t need to make it yourself. It doesn’t cost much to hire a freelance graphic designer, and the investment will pay off quickly.

If you have an artistic streak, you can also use an online logo generator.

Once you have a logo, find a unique packaging design.

It’s up to you to choose how much time, money, and effort you want to put into the packaging. But keep in mind that everyone’s willing to pay more for a decorative box set.

If you opt for fancy packaging, don’t forget to include accessories. Make full use of your personal creativity and always consider your customers’ point of view.

But to make your packaging truly unique, you have to be familiar with your niche. This is why I advise people to use their passions and hobbies to find the niche that suits them best.

You also have to pay attention to the demands in your market. Consider your competitors’ branding and find a way to set your products apart.

If you’re just getting started, branding may feel like an overwhelming prospect.

This is why it’s a good idea to seek out guidance at the beginning of your journey. Consider joining us on our FREE webinar.

This one-hour call will give you a solid idea of what hot items to aim for. Building a unique brand is only possible when you’ve got the basics down.

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Brendan Elias

Brendan has been importing products from China since 2001. He built a 7-figure a year business by selling the imported products on eBay and Amazon working as little as 10 hours per week. For the last 10 years, he has been teaching people to run their own business from home by importing goods from China and selling them locally. In that time some students have replaced their incomes, brought new money into their households and some have even become millionaires.
